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Friday 27 March 2009

A Blond Applying for a Job - Joke

A blonde applied for a job which requires some intelligence and creativity. The head of the human resources department called her for an interview.

"There will be two questions." Said the interviewer; "and if you answer them correctly, you will be offered the job."

"That's cool!" said the blonde, "What are those questions?"

"The first," said the interviewer, "is, which two days of the week start with the letter 'T'"?

The blonde replied immediately, "Today and Tomorrow."

The interviewer pondered this answer for some time, and decided that indeed the answer can be applied to the question.

"Well then, could I have your answer to the second question?" The interviewer went on, "How many seconds are there in a year?"

The Blonde replied without hesitation, "Twelve!"

"Only twelve?!" exclaimed the interviewer, "How did you arrive at that figure?"

"Easy," said the blonde, "there's the second of January, the second of February, right through to the second of December, giving a total of twelve seconds."

The interviewer had no choice except offering her the job.


LioneSS said...

Maybe she is not intelligent but for sure she is creative :D

Saleh said...

Well... on the contrary, I think she is intelligent. We usually should not think the way others want us to think. As far as we think in logical and correct way, it should not matter. Creativity is an important kind of intelligence anyway.

Thanks for passing by.

